segunda-feira, 10 de junho de 2019

Segundo Green Card

Olá! nossa, que felicidades de saber que o meu post sobre o primeiro green card ajudou tanta gente. Obrigada a todos pelos comentários e carinho.

Aqui vai minha experiencia com o Segundo Green Card.

Quando dar entrada no Segundo Green Card?

Vencimento para dar entrada no Segundo Green card eh no aniversario de quando ele completa 2 anos. Você so pode dar entrada no segundo green card 90 dias antes dele expirar, antes disso não pode.

Eu dei entrada no meu no comecinho no finalzinho de Agosto/ comecinho de Setembro de 2017 e meu GC iria expirar em Outubro e recebi meu GC no começo de 2019.

Posso viajar com meu Green Card vencido?

Depende, se você tiver dado entrado no seu segundo Green Card e estiver demorando muito, o USCIS vai te mandar um documento falando que você pode viajar para fora do pais usando aquele documento. Você so precisa apresentar seu Green Card vencido e passaporte.

Quanto tempo para receber o segundo Green Card:
Isso vai depender muito de onde você mora, seu caso e seu office o meu demorou mais de 2 anos, mas eles me mandaram uma carta (que mencionei acima) que me autorizava usar meu Green Card vencido para viajar e trabalhar.

Qual formulário preencher para o segundo Green Card?

formulário FORM I-751, "Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence"você vai let toda as instruções desse forme disponível para Download logo abaixo do formulário e preencher ele. envie com ele todas as provas do seu casamento porém atualizados. Eu recebi no começo de 2019 uma carta pedindo mais provas. Eu fui muito lerda e não li toda a página. No link para abrir o formulário tem uma tem uma lista de coisas uteis para te ajudar com o formulário e uma delas é o What Initial Evidence Is Required  lá vai listar que documentos você precisa enviar baseado no seu caso mas vou deixar aqui também

Minha BIOMETRICS foi marcada pra algumas semanas depois e foi tranquilo, mesma coisa da primeira vez.

Provas e documentos para enviar com o Form I-751

What Initial Evidence Is Required
If you submit any documents (copies or original documents, if requested) in a foreign language, you must include a full English translation along with a certification from the translator verifying that the translation is complete and accurate, and that they are competent to translate from the foreign language to English.
If you are filing a joint petition, did you provide the following?
  • Copies of the front and back of your Permanent Resident Card 
  • Copies of the front and back of the Permanent Resident Cards of any conditional resident children you are including in your petition (if applicable)
  • Evidence of the relationship
    • Submit copies of documents indicating that the marriage upon which you were granted status was entered in good faith and was not for the purpose of circumventing immigration laws. Submit copies of as many documents as you can to establish this fact, to demonstrate the circumstances of the relationship from the date of the marriage to the present date. 
  • An explanation for reason you are filing late (if applicable)
  • An explanation for the reason you are filing separately from your primary conditional permanent resident parent (if applicable)
  • Dispositions on criminal charges, arrests, or convictions (if applicable)
  • If you are filing from overseas:
    • Two passport-style photographs for each petitioner and dependent, regardless of age
    • Two completed Form FD- 258 Fingerprint Cards for each petitioner and dependent 14 to 79 years of age 
    • A copy of current military or government orders if filing based on military or government service 
If you are filing an individual request because of the death of the petitioning spouse, did you provide the following?
  • Copies of the front and back of your Permanent Resident Card 
  • Copies of the front and back of the Permanent Resident Cards of any conditional resident children you are including in your petition (if applicable)
  • Evidence of the relationship
    • Submit copies of documents indicating that the marriage upon which you were granted status was entered in good faith and was not for the purpose of circumventing immigration laws. Submit copies of as many documents as you can to establish this fact, to demonstrate the circumstances of the relationship from the date of the marriage to the present date. 
  • Your spouse’s death certificate 
  • An explanation for the reason you are filing separately from your primary conditional permanent resident parent (if applicable)
  • Dispositions on criminal charges, arrests, or convictions (if applicable)
  • If you are filing from overseas:
    • Two passport-style photographs for each petitioner and dependent, regardless of age
    • Two completed Form FD- 258 Fingerprint Cards for each petitioner and dependent 14 to 79 years of age 
    • A copy of current military or government orders if filing based on military or government service 
If you are filing a waiver of the joint filing requirement due to a termination of marriage other than through death of the petitioning spouse, did you provide the following?
  • Copies of the front and back of your Permanent Resident Card 
  • Copies of the front and back of the Permanent Resident Cards of any conditional resident children you are including in your petition (if applicable)
  • Evidence of the relationship
    • Submit copies of documents indicating that the marriage upon which you were granted status was entered in good faith and was not for the purpose of circumventing immigration laws. Submit copies of as many documents as you can to establish this fact, to demonstrate the circumstances of the relationship from the date of the marriage to the present date. 
  • Your final divorce or annulment decree
  • Evidence demonstrating any circumstances surrounding the end of the relationship.
  • An explanation for the reason you are filing separately from your primary conditional permanent resident parent (if applicable)
  • Dispositions on criminal charges, arrests, or convictions (if applicable)
  • If you are filing from overseas:
    • Two passport-style photographs for each petitioner and dependent, regardless of age
    • Two completed Form FD- 258 Fingerprint Cards for each petitioner and dependent 14 to 79 years of age 
    • A copy of current military or government orders if filing based on military or government service 
If you are filing a waiver of the joint filing requirement because you and/or your conditional resident child were battered or subjected to extreme cruelty, did you provide the following?
NOTE: With respect to abuse waivers, you may file your form with any credible evidence relevant to the application. The determination of what evidence is credible and the weight to be given is within the sole discretion of USCIS.
  • Copies of the front and back of your Permanent Resident Card 
  • Copies of the front and back of the Permanent Resident Cards of any conditional resident children you are including in your petition (if applicable)
  • Evidence of the relationship
    • Submit copies of documents indicating that the marriage upon which you were granted status was entered in good faith and was not for the purpose of circumventing immigration laws. Submit copies of as many documents as you can to establish this fact, to demonstrate the circumstances of the relationship from the date of the marriage to the present date. 
  • Evidence of abuse
  • Your final divorce or annulment decree if your marriage was terminated by divorce on grounds of physical abuse or extreme cruelty
  • An explanation for the reason you are filing separately from your primary conditional permanent resident parent (if applicable)
  • Dispositions on criminal charges, arrests, or convictions (if applicable)
  • If you are filing from overseas:
    • Two passport-style photographs for each petitioner and dependent, regardless of age
    • Two completed Form FD- 258 Fingerprint Cards for each petitioner and dependent 14 to 79 years of age 
    • A copy of current military or government orders if filing based on military or government service 
If you are filing a waiver of the joint filing requirement because the termination of your status and removal would result in extreme hardship, did you provide the following?
  • Copies of the front and back of your Permanent Resident Card 
  • Copies of the front and back of the Permanent Resident Cards of any conditional resident children you are including in your petition (if applicable)
  • Evidence of extreme hardship
  • An explanation for the reason you are filing separately from your primary conditional permanent resident parent (if applicable)
  • Dispositions on criminal charges, arrests, or convictions (if applicable)
  • If you are filing from overseas:
    • Two passport-style photographs for each petitioner and dependent, regardless of age
    • Two completed Form FD- 258 Fingerprint Cards for each petitioner and dependent 14 to 79 years of age 
    • A copy of current military or government orders if filing based on military or government service 

O segundo Green Card é muito mais fácil que o primeiro, apenas 1 formulário para ser preenchido. So não seja lerdo como eu e não leia o site com as instruções e as provas a serem mandadas de acordo com o seu caso. 
 Qualquer duvida deixe um comentário, até a próxima!

2 comentários:

Wellem Chagas disse...

Oi Lai, que legal seu post! Meu Segundo GC demorou pra sair, mas gracas a Deus ja tenho em maos e logo estarei aplicando pra citizenship. Boa sorte pra nos! Amo ver as fotos dos seus nenes :)

Gisella disse...

Que delícia reencontrar um post seu (mesmo 1 ano depois!) Ótimas dicas e parabéns pelo 2ºGC.. Eu me tornei cidadã:)